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The UK government has announced a £80.6 million funding package to develop low-cost green heating systems in 4 new projects in England.
The funds will be distributed among multiple projects with various goals in mind. For instance, the government will invest £8 million to upgrade 34 inefficient heat networks nationwide. Also they provide more than 9,000 residents with a more dependable heating supply and system.
One of the projects headquartered in Bolton that will warm about 2,000 homes and businesses. It offers waste heat from the town’s sewage and is one of the winners of the Green Heat Network Fund. In order to power a heat pump, it will harvest energy from waste hot water from washing machines and sewage. As a part of Bolton’s first district heating system. It should contribute to reduced energy costs.
Exeter is building a new green heating system that uses air and water sources to heat homes and businesses. This is a big project that will get a lot of money (£42.5 million). It will help reduce air pollution from buildings by 65-75%.
In other news, London is also building a district green heating system that will use low-carbon sources to heat homes and businesses. This project got £4.6 million.
Lord Callanan, minister for energy efficiency and green finance, said: “These innovative projects will help drive down energy costs. While also demonstrating why the UK has led the way in cutting carbon emissions. “They show how energy sources can be found in the most unexpected places – as more homes and businesses will benefit from cleaner heating and lower energy bills. “Our upgrades will also make sure our existing heat networks are upgraded. – So, in this manner, customers can get the reliable heating supply they deserve.” |
A National Heat Pump Effort
The British government has been giving funding to homeowners to switch out their old fossil fuel heating system to the new green heating system since 2022. Heat pumps are like refrigerators that work in reverse to heat your home using less energy, which is better for the environment. This program is called the Boiler Upgrade Scheme. It gives upfront grants to homes and small businesses.
They started with £450 million in funding and expect it to last until 2025. It’s part of a bigger plan to make Britain more energy efficient.
Sarah Honan, head of policy at the trade body Association for Decentralised Energy, said: “Today’s announcement takes us an important step closer to heat networks’ ultimate role in decarbonising the bulk of heat across the UK’s cities, towns and buildings. Heat networks are a key solution in the mix of technologies that will make up the energy system of the future – not only will they be essential in decarbonising our homes and offices, factories and shops, but without them. The UK will not be able to build the truly resilient and flexible grid needed for the future.” |
The scheme has been funded with £15.5 millions of government funding. As part of the Housing Improvement Grant, similar packages have been rolled out to other towns across the UK.
Funded by Ofgem’s Network Innovation Challenge (NIC). The project enables electricity pumps to provide essential services to homes and the grid. 92% of participants were very satisfied with their experience.